New library hours:
We are glad to announce we are opening the library building by appointment on Tuesdays from 1 PM to 7 PM, and Fridays from 9 AM to 3 PM, starting the first week of August. You may call 436-5154 to request an appointment. Appointments are for 30 minutes for a maximum of 4 patrons at a time. Access is reserved to the lobby area, with materials from the stacks available to be retrieved by staff on request. Browsing the stacks, computer use other than the catalog computer, Children’s room and meeting rooms, and on-site programs are not available until later reopening phases. Copies may be made by staff upon request. Curbside lending appointments remain available on Thursdays from 1 to 4 PM, and regular community events such as Lady Bug Bedtime Stories, Friday Family Hour and our Morning & Evening Book Groups will continue to be held virtually. Note: the Friday morning book group will temporarily move to Thursday mornings at 10:30, to accommodate the library hours.
Safety precautions:
Patrons are required to wear a mask or scarf as face covering in order to enter the library. This will be enforced with the cooperation of the Newington Police Department should it be necessary. Masks will be provided if they are needed. Patrons will be asked to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer upon entering the library. A pair of gloves will be provided if desired. Patrons should utilize good hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, and cough etiquette. In between appointments, staff will clean shared surfaces. Items handled during appointments will be held for 24 hours before reshelving. Items checked out will be quarantined for 96 hours and disinfected and allowed to dry before reshelving. Please continue to return library materials using the exterior book drop rather than bringing into the building.
We know that libraries are familiar and comforting, and that change is hard! As we reopen the library building to the public, we ask that everyone have patience and flexibility to adapt to temporary changes in the library environment and operations, for the purpose of health and safety of both employees and visitors.
Lara Berry, Library Director and Langdon Library Board of Trustees
Langdon Library
328 Nimble Hill Road
Newington, NH 03801
Phone 603-436-5154
Fax 603-570-2024